When you have a whole planet of souls that are mostly asleep and operating in limited, polarized, conditioned consciousness, it’s hard to wake up. And even if you do happen to wake up, it’s hard to stay awake if you don’t have a support team to help you hold on to the new perceptions of yourself and the world.
This is exactly what happened to me. Back in the day, I went to see a movie called the Body Snatchers. In the movie, the earth was being overtaken by an alien race of pods that had the ability to clone themselves from a living body, taking over its life force and consciousness, all while the person was asleep. The new lifeforms had a herd mentality devoid of emotions so they could easily detect if you weren’t one of them.
That movie woke me up. I could readily see that this reality was already happening on our planet. Maybe we didn’t have a pod race that had taken us over, but something had. I clearly could see that the movie was mirroring how robotic and desensitized we had become to the acts of violence going on all over the world against life itself, whether human, animal or plant.
So, what do you do when you wake up. You go out and you tell all your friends about your newfound revelations, right? Well, that’s what I did. And to my surprise, ALL of my friends looked like deer in headlights when I shared my revelation.
They did one of three things based on their level of consciousness:
They either completely ignored what I said (meaning this was so outside of their reality, they couldn’t even hear me);
They changed the subject (meaning they could they hear me, but were too frightened to acknowledge the truth of what I was sharing; or
They walked away in disbelief, thinking I was crazy (meaning they were able to hear me but refused to open themselves to a new perspective.)
So the good news was that I finally woke up and was able to perceive the world in a new, more conscious way. However, the perception was so foreign to the current world view, I eventually fell back to sleep, dropping into old ways of thinking and doing the same old, same old.
Current research has shown that most of us operate on autopilot about 80% of the time and when were not on autopilot, we are thinking about the past or the future the the other 20%. What this means is that people are being controlled at least 80% of the time by unconscious beliefs and habitual patterns of behavior that were programmed into us starting in the womb and throughout our informative years.
The good news is that whether you’re asleep or awake, we are all ascending in consciousness, whether we like it or not. Why is that? Because we are part of a greater ascension cycle than our own. The whole universe is waking up to the greater reality of its true nature and consciously ascending or awakening to Source Consciousness at some level on the evolutionary chain.
Stay tuned for Part 3
