Get a preview of the Christ Codes Book which I'm releasing today. It has been quite a journey to arrive at this day. Thirteen months in the making and forty-four years of my life to bring you the Christ Codes: Ascension Mastery. (If you were wondering where I disappeared to, you now know why you haven't heard from me these last thirteen months.)
It has been a labor of love to write this book. The best thing about writing a book of this nature, is that you learn so much about yourself and your soul's journey. The video accompanying this post is an interview conducted by Teri Angel, a beautiful Lightworker going around the country on a peace tour doing healing ceremonies at power spots all over the country. If you would like to follow her travels, go to Peace on Earth Tour at
I hope you find as much value from this book as I received in its making. Please share with me your experience of the Christ Code's book on this blog post or in our membership area. If you are needing more support with the Christ Codes 3.6.9. Quantum Empowerment System, please let me know that as well.
Lastly, if you find the Christ Codes book is a blessing in your life, please share the good news that the book is now available. I hope to have it in paperback form in the near future. I'll let you know if and when that day arrives.
Wishing you an incredible day on this 22nd day of February 2022.
All my love,