The power of difficulty at the beginning is the ability to undertake many new beginnings to command space and time through constancy in Sophia. Constancy in Sophia comes from a balanced heart and mind. This is accomplished by spiritualizing the intellect through your soul-powers. The soul-powers seek to blend your will with the Will of Sophia.
Your soul-powers are free to act when you train your feelings, discipline your desires, and channel your emotions into pure expressions of love. Through this balance, you will perceive reality through the eyes of Sophia, creating in Her Divine Image and Likeness.1
The five soul-powers are Vibration, Pulsation, Illumination, Radiation, and Emanation:2
The Vibration Power of the soul moves against the forces of gravity creating a vibratory hum on the outer rim of the Soul’s Medallion. The Soul’s Medallion surrounds the head and is associated with your eighth (8th) chakra approximately six inches above your head. This vibratory hum is the voice of the Conscience which works through the heart.
The Pulsation Power of the soul correlates to your heartbeat, your breath, and the Will of Sophia. The Pulsation point is the “psychic guidance brain”3 located at the bottom center of the skull and works with the Pituitary Gland. This diamond center is associated with your ninth (9th) chakra which transmits messages from the Will of Sophia through your Mouth of God Center. It is located over the Medulla Oblongata, the fourth ventricle of the brain.
The Illumination Power of the soul makes it possible for you to work creatively through the imagination with uninterrupted inspiration. It works directly with the Light of Sophia through an illumined state of Christ Samadhi. Samadhi occurs when union is made with Sophia as transcendental consciousness beyond the relativity chakras located over the spinal column. The Illumination Field of the Soul’s Medallion correlates to your Consciousness or Buddhi Center. The Buddhi is centered within the Eternal Atom at the tenth (10th) chakra, located in the middle of the forehead, over the Thalamus Gland.
The Radiation Field is the field of Love. It works directly with the heart and records all pure works of love, reverence, devotion, sacrifice, and selfless service. The Radiation field correlates to the eleventh (11th) chakra over the Corpus Callosum. It holds the connective pathway between the two hemispheres of the brain’s lateral ventricles. This center is located in between the hairline and the middle of the forehead.
The Emanation Field correlates to twelfth (12th) chakra, an arm's length above the head. It receives the Life records of miraculous works which enables the Initiate to receive miracle grace for healing in right timing.
When the two hemispheres of the brain interlink, they become the Great Dome of the spiritual or aetheric brain, preparing the way for the formation of the thirteenth (13) chakra at the hairline of the head located over the Cerebrum.
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To be Constant in Sophia, you must unite with the Will of Sophia through your Divine Self, in Love, in Light, and in Life. When the heartbeat is prayerful, loving, and devoted, the power of the soul and the heartbeat as one.
Sacred Instruction
“To apply oneself to the rhythm in meditation, so as to reach an accord with the soul and with the Higher [Divine] Self, requires an undeviating regularity as to timing and method.”4
-- Ann Ree Colton
Sacred Instruction is referred to in the East as the Dharma or the Tao. Meditation that is done in conjunction with Prayer, Concentration, and Contemplation is the key to opening Sacred Instruction.
True carriers of the Dharma understand that the Five Sacred Rhythms of Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and Dream Cognizance are mandatory to open Sacred Instruction.
These five Sacred Rhythms are vehicles to make union with the soul and the soul-powers for the soul is a God instrument.5
The Five Sacred Rhythms are:
Prayer before meditation softens the heart in preparation to receive Sacred Instruction. Pure feelings are revealed through sincere prayers, building a body of light for the spirit to access.
Meditation is a spiritual movement that begins by contacting the heart. Meditation that begins with the heart opens the Initiate to inner wisdom and knowing. Before you can open the lines of communication to receive Sacred Instruction, you must first heal the stones in your heart.
Concentration unites you with Sacred Instruction through single-minded devotion. This serves to overcome the dense mind impulses and the ego-centric will. The dense mind is the lower aspect of the mental body that works with the senses, other lifestreams, and ancestral memories and habits.
Contemplation prepares the mind to receive creative ideas flowing from the soul. The Initiate may visualize or use a spiritual object as a “seed” to tune into instruction and receive inspiration from your Divine Self.
Dream Cognizance is realized first with the intention to remember your dreams, followed by the keeping of a dream journal. Dreams are a road map from the soul. They communicate through a common soul-language of symbols.
When you trace and mark your dreams in your journal, you will begin to see the interrelations and interconnections between your life and dreams. The dream life has continuity, just as your waking state does. If you diligently trace and mark your dreams you will find that each dream is a succession of the previous one.
Each dream teaches and instructs as to your spiritual progression in life, or lack thereof. Since each dream coincides with the cycles of the sun, moon, and planets, each phase will bring with it a different emphasis as to the form of its instruction. Each cycle will serve to broaden the perspective of prior lessons received during these cycles of initiation.
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Stay tuned for the next post on The Diamond Medallion of the Soul.
Excerpts taken from Christ Codes: 2029 Ascension Mastery.
