There are twelve eternal or everlasting atoms within each of the four bodies. The eternal atoms are not atomic atoms of force or organic atoms. They are eternal atoms as Divine Particles or a portion of Sophia also known as Atma Atoms.1
The eternal atoms within each of the four bodies reside in the upper aetheric body, retaining their eternal relationship to one another. The average person must work for aeons of time to perfect the twelve eternal spiritual atoms within each of the four bodies.
The spiritual atoms retain their perpetual proportions of Life, Light, and Imaging through the Will of Sophia’s Holy Spirit, enabling physical experience from life to life and spiritual experience with Sophia. The dedicated practices of the Initiate free the spiritual atoms from the undersoul’s influence, determining their rate of spiritual progression.
The atoms of the upper aetheric body fortify and influence the atoms in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies to penetrate one another. When the spiritual atoms of the four bodies are coordinated with one another, alignment is made with the Light of the Christ Intelligence and the body of man becomes a Body of Light.
Physical Body Atoms
The physical body works with the lower aetheric body and the lower emotional body, both of which are perishable bodies. The lower aetheric body works through both lunar and solar light to balance the dark and light forces working through gravity. The lower aetheric body also energizes the blood, generating vitality.
The physical body is a body of earthlight that has twelve (12) spiritual atoms. Nine (9) of the spiritual atoms are held within the light body and correlate to the nine (9) orifice openings within the physical body which function through gravity.
The three (3) remaining atoms are dormant and correspond to the gonads, the heart, and the throat. These three dormant atoms are activated when you become a perfected being in Sophia Christ Consciousness.
Emotional Body Atoms
The emotional body was given to humanity to experience love and to work through the electromagnetic light of the heart. There are twelve (12) emotional body atoms that are the determining factor as to the Initiate’s evolution. The emotional body atoms contain one (1) Individualistic Atom. The Individualistic Atom manifests in the mental body for the building of strong, positive individuality.
Until the Initiate has activated the twelve (12) Spiritual Atoms within each of the four bodies, the Individualistic Atom within the emotional body will agitate, stimulate, and stir the other atoms in the three matrices.
The Individualistic Atom
The evolution of the Individualistic Atom began with Tribal Genesis. The purpose of the Individualistic Atom is to make the Initiate aware of their eternal identity, their soul, and heaven. An Initiate with a strong magnetic personality is in alignment with their Individualistic Atom.
The Individualistic Atom works with the sacred heart’s Divine Atom for the reproduction of form and to bring consciousness to the physical body. Through tribal ancestral preservation, humanity developed the senses and instinctual intelligence. “As long as the Individualistic Atom is active, there is heavenly hope that man will seek a way out of materialistic and sensual expression.”2
Mental Body Atoms
The mental body works through electric light and has twelve (12) spiritual atoms. Nine (9) of the spiritual-mental atoms are dormant, whereas the remaining three (3) atoms are active. The spiritual mind is in command of all selfless works of creation and expresses itself through these three (3) active mental atoms. The three (3) active mental atoms are the Supreme-Will Atom, the Eternal Atom, and the Imaging Atom.
When the Supreme-Will Atom operating through the nine (9th) Chakra, the Eternal Atom operating through the tenth (10th) chakra, and the Imaging Atom operating through the twelfth (12th) chakra are in perfect alignment, the Initiate will no longer seek self-preservation. They will work directly with the Archetypal Will functioning through Sophia’s Holy Spirit, the Imaging Power of the Father, and the Eternal-Light Body of the Christ.3
Spiritual Body Atoms
The atoms of the upper aetheric or spiritual body fortify and influence the atoms in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies to penetrate one another. When the spiritual atoms of the denser three bodies are coordinated with one another, alignment is made with the Light of the Christ Intelligence and the body of man becomes a Body of Light.4
The spiritual atoms hold the key to knowing the Eternal Spirit of Sophia. When the spiritualized mind is in charge, one becomes “niscient”5 or “knowing in the light” of the Christ through the activation of their divine genetic blueprint and the awakening of their Divine Nature. When the undersoul is perfected, it will become the center for the spiritualized mind through the archetypal light of the higher unconscious. The higher unconscious is the intelligence of Supreme Nature working through the Mind of Sophia God. It represents original creative thought forms that have been birthed or are ready to be birthed into reality.6
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Stay tuned for the next post on The Astral Body.
Excerpts taken from Christ Codes: 2029 Ascension Mastery.
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